Soon it will be started in London, Milan, and Paris Fashion Week, and we will be swayed by this crazy extravaganza until April !!
先日プレフォール(秋冬の前、晩夏から初秋にかけて)のトレンドをまとめ終わったと思いきや、既にNYでは今年の秋冬シーズンのショーが始まり、一方東京ではようやく店頭で春夏の流行アイテムやカラーが本格的に動き始め...このままロンドン〜ミラノ〜4月のパリコレクションが終わるまで否応なしに"トレンド狂想曲" に乗せられてしまう時期の始まりです(>w<;)
So I had made some clippings of next season's fashion accessories including jewelry, bags, and shoes. And I was surprised, because just found these image boards.
It was made by my niece two and a half years old, she has made it cut out some pictures, some cute accessories and sweets advertising photos from the old magazines and flyers, as I usually making....
does she show promising ability for the future?