A new digital paint work has been completed.
The silver halide prints, which the craftsmen adjust by hand one by one, have vivid colors, and I feel that the charm of the jewels can be brought out. Thankfully, this motif was well received, so I create other piece with a different color tone.
Microorganisms drawn with green garnet and diamonds 🦠 Volvox jewelry is photographed and digitally painted. I would like to draw a fantastic world with digital methods while making the most of the real atmosphere and texture.

This is the "Volvox G" that you purchased at last year's solo exhibition. I am grateful that the Volvox series has many opportunities to pay attention to both jewelry works and digital paints, probably because of the unusual motif.
こちらは昨年の個展でお求め頂いた"Volvox G"。ボルボックスのシリーズは一風変わったモチーフゆえかジュエリー作品もデジタルペイントもお気に留めて頂ける機会が多く、有り難いです。