
Maman is found !!

Middle of April. It is time the cherry blossoms started to fall, 
it also everyone starts to get used to new environment & life. Today, one of my child is preparing the depart from the atelier. 


This series called "ADOPTION" were designed by a concept —
 —"adding hands and feet to the organic pearl, giving lovable life to these jewels. Each creatures have individual characters, they go on a journey looking for  a person who will adopt them and become a Maman."
This one was adopted by new Maman last weekend, so she is equipping for her new life*

「ADOPTION」というこのシリーズは、"真珠に手足の生えたいきものが、ママンを探して旅をする" というコンセプトでデザインしたネックレス。


Pale orange sherbet colored petite baroque pearl.... cling to the neck of new Maman, looks like this♫
and this month, there is another "adoption"  decided.

hope they will be happy in each new home.
Bon voyage !!

淡いシャーベットオレンジの、バロックパールのおちびさん。新しいママンの首に抱きつくと、こんな感じに♫  今月はもうお一方、別のピースにママンのお申し出があり、だんだんとアトリエからおちびさん達が去っていくのはちょっと寂しいような、嬉しいような。新しいママンと一緒にお出かけしたり、きっと可愛がって頂けることでしょう*(^_^)